Thursday, October 11, 2007

Class Pets

I think that having a class pet is a really good idea. You can have a class survey where you name it and having an animal like a hamster, gerbil, or fish is a good way to have students get involved. It will teach them responsibility because the animal needs to be feed and taken care of. Every week you could pick a new person to take the pet home for a night (with the parents permission) and I think they would love that.

Fun Educational Gaming Websites!

These are all fun and free websites with educational games on them. Have some fun and check them out!
-This one is my favorite. It has really good graphics, sounds, and fun games!

Teacher Quotes

Here some quotes about teaching and teachers that I really liked:

Teaching is not a profession; it's a passion.-- Unknown

Your heart is slightly bigger than the average human heart, but that's because you're a teacher.-- Aaron Bacall

The secret of teaching is to appear to have known all your life what you learned this afternoon.-- Anonymous

A teacher effects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.-- Henry Adams

In an effective classroom students should not only know what they are doing, they should also know why and how.-- Harry Wong

The important thing is not to stop questioning.--Albert Einstein

Thursday, September 27, 2007

As we all know, I want to teach in an elementary school. I have found some fantastic websites that help elementary school teachers with lesson plans, quotes of the day, and projects.

Lesson Plans

  • The discovery chanel has a great website that contains a wide range of lesson plans for grades K-5 on subjects ranging from technology to animals. They provide activities with information on what materials you need, the procedures, an evaluation, important vocabulary, and much more. The link is posted below. Check it out!

  • Another great website is This site contains a plethora of information. There are lessons plans, teacher chatboards, project ideas, and more. Have a look by clicking on the link below.

Quotes of the Day

  • An awesome website for quotes for kids is If gives you a list of many historical people and once you choose a person, it gives you quotes that they have said. This would be a great site to get quotes for a "quotes of the day" section that you could put up on the board. You could even do activites that correspond to the quote and at the end of the day you could discuss what the quote really means.


  • A really great site for holiday activities, color pages, crafts, etc. is activity village. It is a website created for teachers and parents that helps that helps you come up with fun things to do with the children.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Acrostic Poem

Cruising through the trees
An interesting find
Turning into something beautiful
Eating leaves
Roaming across your fingers
Pink, brown, green, yellow, black, red…so many colors
Itsy bitsy
Long friends or
Little buddies
Always preparing for transformation
Reborn a butterfly