Thursday, September 27, 2007

As we all know, I want to teach in an elementary school. I have found some fantastic websites that help elementary school teachers with lesson plans, quotes of the day, and projects.

Lesson Plans

  • The discovery chanel has a great website that contains a wide range of lesson plans for grades K-5 on subjects ranging from technology to animals. They provide activities with information on what materials you need, the procedures, an evaluation, important vocabulary, and much more. The link is posted below. Check it out!

  • Another great website is This site contains a plethora of information. There are lessons plans, teacher chatboards, project ideas, and more. Have a look by clicking on the link below.

Quotes of the Day

  • An awesome website for quotes for kids is If gives you a list of many historical people and once you choose a person, it gives you quotes that they have said. This would be a great site to get quotes for a "quotes of the day" section that you could put up on the board. You could even do activites that correspond to the quote and at the end of the day you could discuss what the quote really means.


  • A really great site for holiday activities, color pages, crafts, etc. is activity village. It is a website created for teachers and parents that helps that helps you come up with fun things to do with the children.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Acrostic Poem

Cruising through the trees
An interesting find
Turning into something beautiful
Eating leaves
Roaming across your fingers
Pink, brown, green, yellow, black, red…so many colors
Itsy bitsy
Long friends or
Little buddies
Always preparing for transformation
Reborn a butterfly

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Helpful Technology

There are many new technological ways for students to become better organized. With everyday paper notebooks, there are loose papers and many ways to loose important information. Well, there have been new advances when it comes to notebook computers. There is a new computer called a Tablet PC and the input device that is used is a digital pen. Through notetaking software students are able to take notes in class, upload them into their computer, and keep everything organized according to the subject, chapter, or even date.

Thursday, September 6, 2007


Welcome to My Blog!

I am using this blog to help educate students. I'll be adding fun pictures and information to stimulate the mind and keep your interest. I hope you enjoy everything that is to come.

Elmhurst College